Monday, May 19, 2014

Our Sudden Short Week


I hope everyone is adjusting well to coming back to our regular routine and hopefully none of you were too disrupted by last week's fires.

Here is brief recap of last week:

We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do!

Monday:  Sports Day

Tuesday:  Crazy Hair Day

Wednesday:  80's Day


Homework Shares:

Check out this awesome artifact found in our friend's backyard.  It measured roughly 15 inches, which gave us the opportunity to calculate how long that was in terms of different units of measurements.  Friends helped us find out how many inches were in a foot and how many more inches were left over

12 inches = 1 foot.  How many more inches until you get to 15inches?

12...13 (1)...14 (2)...15 (3).

12 + 3 = 15

You can see one friend's strategy in the upper right hand corner of our white board.  They shared their knowledge of adding the ones place first (2+3=5) and then adding in the tens place of the 12 (10 + 5 = 15!) .  What are some other strategies to doing arithmetic?

Stone Soup:

This week, we were in full production mode, recording more scenes for our Stone Soup re-enactment.  Friends are learning different ways to get themselves into character and selecting which costumes help them feel like they are living in the past.  They are also finding the courage to ask friends for help when they are having difficulty maneuvering their fabric into the style that they wish for.  Stay tuned to more information about coming to the screening of our film!

Thank you to Sara for being our Family Reader this week, and to Chloe for picking out the story of the Gruffalo, which is the tale that Limor acted out with us using her puppets!

Thank you for all that you do in supporting your child to be at school everyday!
Love, Gaby

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