Monday, October 27, 2014

Party Planning and MORE!

Hello Kindergarten families,

Here's a brief snapshot into our week.  Enjoy hearing more details from your child as they share their perspective on what we are doing in class.

Clara worked with friend on the game, Change the Vowel, using consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words.  Friend found how new words and nonsense words could be made by changing the vowel.

Check out some images from Lego Physics.

Thank you to Hailey's Great Grams for being our Family Reader this week.  She dressed up as Raggedy Ann, and bringing her doll and favorite stories to share with us.

Speaking of characters in books, we are starting a new project with our 7th Grade Buddies.  This week, we worked in our partnerships to brainstorm ideas for the different elements to stories (characters, settings, problems, and resolutions).  Each week, we will be working towards creating a book with all of our ideas!

Our Kindergarten Friends continue their restorative work on the playground, noticing when there is new writing on the playhouses and cleaning it off with wipes, even if they did not do it.  They just love helping our school stay beautiful!

Some Large Motor Activities we did included trying different dance moves to fast paced techno music, including dance breaking, the robot, and isolating movements (hips, head, hands).

We also revisited different yoga poses, including Downward Facing Dog...

Airplane Pose...

and the Bridge Pose (or the modified version)

The class has moved forward into their party planning committees, making the different decorations, games, and sign ups for our Fall Seasonal Celebration.

Decorations Committee

Apple Board Game Committee

Falling Leaves Committee

Pumpkin Launch Game Committee

Apple Catching Game Committee

We are also moving on into the building phase of our forest idea.  These friends worked together to organize the tools to form trees, paths and trails, and more.  Come in to see how it will be changing as different friends try different organizational techniques.

We also tried out having a snack break during Open Choice Time.  As the students work, they are asked to listen to their body and take a break from their work to have a quick snack to revitalize themselves, giving themselves more energy to continue doing their hard work.

Our Learning Extensions were so rich this week.We got to learn about a variety of topics including gardening, plant life, model making, letter writing practice, different bone structures, how-to crafts, carnivorous dinosaur facts, neighborhood traditions, cause and effects of a syringe, jousting, outer space, score keeping, a photo journal of a family trip, tracing, magic trick practice, and family portraits.

Thank you for the continued inspiration in our class!

Have a great week!
Love, Gaby


  1. I love you, Gaby. I like how you're putting together the apple/mouth/pick game. Love, Jackson.

    I like to see the gross motor in the classroom - they need that release of energy! Thanks for all you do, Gaby! Jennifer

  2. It seems that the apple game is very popular. Tomas' comment:"in that game you cross your hands on your back, close your eyes and pick an apple with your mouth!".

  3. I love seeing the movement activities, especially the yoga. Eli is so excited for the Fall Celebration. Thanks for another great peek into the K week :)

  4. Sorry we missed this post earlier! Emma likes creating stories with her 7th Grade Buddy and enjoys doing her homework share. And she still talking about how much fun it was to work on the pick the apple game!
