Monday, October 6, 2014

Goals, Goodbyes, and MORE!


Here are a few snapshots from this week in Kindergarten!

Friends worked together to read diagrams, follow sequential steps, collaborate, and use their fine motor skills in Lego Physics.

We have been thinking about goals.  Check out our list of possible personal and social goals that these friends identified they are still wishing to get better at.  Come check out your child's journal to see what their specific personal or social goal is.

Number Talks has been helping friends explain their thinking to other people so that we may learn how they see things differently or similarly to others.  They are looking at these dots and explaining how many they see and how they saw them.  It is exciting to see how many varieties of ways that we can look at and explain something!

Clara has been inviting small groups out during Relax and Reading time, giving them a more intimate setting to practice their fine motor skills, name writing practice using lower case letters, and giving friends extra support in the afternoons.

Thank you to Lea, Miranda's mom, for being our Family Reader this week!

The kindergarten friends have been paired up with their 7th grade buddies and they were very excited to have some one on one time to get to know them.  We went on a Walk-and-Talk to the neighboring park to give them a chance to chat and become more acquainted with each other.  I tried to get as many pictures as I could, but I apologize if I did not capture each partnership.  I'll try again next week!

Here are our buddies!

Brooklyn- Gabriela
Cameron- Ethen
Eli- Trevor and Samuel
Eloise- Mila
Emma- Morgan and Olivia
Fiona- Julia
Gabriel- Cardiff and Zach
Gavin- Andrew
Hailey- Elizabeth and Kayla
Jackson- Alec
Joseph- Kai
Kassadeano- Jack and Landon
Kellen- Azaiah
Lily- Amber
Marlee- Elizabeth and Ella
Megan- Paige
Miranda- Alexxus
Nathan- Ismael
Ronny- Mateo
Sienna- Jordan
Tiffany- Skye
Tomas- Alyssa
Zion- Jasmin

This week, we also had to say goodbye to one of our friends.  His family has made the plan to give the gift of time and re-enroll him into his old preschool.  We had a special goodbye where we gave him Goodbye High Fives, we sang his favorite song, All Together Now, and friends who wrote him special goodbye messages got to present them to him.  We will be missing him but are excited for him to get more practice at his old school.

Our Home to School Learning Extension shares continue to be a big hit!  We are learning so much from friends and what they do at home, including counting money, reading books, clock building, wooden models, balancing , testing cause and effect, language skill building, list making of friends' favorite things, calculating weight at the produce section, clay sculptures, and MORE!  Check out our HTSLE Wall!

Some of the new large motor body games we played this week included working together to make letter shapes with our bodies.  Friends had to listen to each other, plan, and collaborate to make sure their letters were facing the right direction and were the right shape.

We also played a game taught to us by our friend Joseph during his homework share, called Funny Faces.  I read what action was on the card and whispered it into a friends' ear.  That friend had to stand up and imitate that action and the class had three guesses.  The performers were practicing being brave and using only their body (no sounds) to emit a message.  We had some pretty good laughs that afternoon!

Thanks for visiting!
Love, Gaby


  1. Gaby, looks like another great week! The homework ideas are very creative. :-) Jackson says, "I love you, Gaby. See you tomorrow!"

    Jennifer (and Jackson!)

    1. Hello Jennifer,

      Yes, it's neat to see what friends are exploring at home.

      Hi Jackson! I love you, too!

  2. Thank you posting every week!! We are not able to be in the classroom much and it is so nice to see all the things that are happening. Have a great week!!!

    Dan and Jessica Klier

    1. Hello Dan and Jessica,

      Thank you for taking the time to read it!

  3. I love the large motor game but Kellen says he liked the Funny Faces game the best. Thanks for another great week!

  4. I love seeing Cameron work with different friends on the different activities! Have a great week!

  5. Eli said "I like looking at the pictures. I like lego physics and saying goodbye to Cole." I like seeing the friends with their 7th grade buddies. What a special opportunity for all of them! Thanks for this great blog post. :)

  6. Emma really liked the Funny Faces game and we have all be enjoying the songs and poems, especially One Green Jelly Bean and Take Me Out to the Ballpark. Thanks for capturing all their activities, again, Gaby!
