Thursday, April 28, 2016

Frank Konyn Dairy Farm

Hello Scientist Friends and Families,

Thank you so much to Lynn (Ara), Sally (Bethel), Hope (Calvin), Kristin (Emmett), Sarah (Gracen), Amanda (Maja), Genia (Ryan), Shelby (Sawyer), Rose (Scarlett), and Xavier Sr. (Xavier Jr.) for helping make today possible and supporting our friends at the Frank Konyn Dairy Farm in Escondido.  We could not have done this without you all!

Arriving to the farm and meeting our tour guide, Stacy Konyn

Viewing cows that are 1 day to two weeks away from giving birth to a new calf

Viewing different kinds of cows: dairy vs beef cows

See the difference???

Entering the milking station

The udders are milked using an automatic suction machine

The milk is transported through tubes and pipes

Iodine and "lotion" is sprayed onto the teats before and after the cows are milked

Milk is pasteurized at 105 degrees fahrenheit  

Frank Konyn wraps up the dairy tour

Off to see the calves

Meeting a 1 day old calf

Suckling Stacy's fingers helped her stay calm while the children excitedly engaged with her

Viewing the cow's feed and learning about how other companies' waste is recycled to make their food.

Barely from beer

Vegetables from Souja



Almond husks

Riding down a cotton seed hill

We were provided with information booklets to take home.  Read up to learn more about dairy cows!

Lunch at Kit Carson Park

Love, Gaby

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