Friday, March 7, 2014

Happy March!

Happy March!

We have already cleared out the first week of March!  Time flies when you're having fun!  Enjoy!


We followed up on last week's practice of Equation Writing on the blacktop and discussed what went we learned from our experience.  The class generated some agreements about how to make sure their new try would be clear.  The class tried them out on the playground and the outcome was much more clear than their first tries.

We have also been thinking about subtraction and how it differs from addition.  We noticed that the way we set up an equation is important when doing subtraction, or else we will end up with negative numbers, which are real numbers, but we aren't going to be focusing on them for now !

This week, the class went on a Walk-and-Talk to the neighboring park area and were asked to consider what they were noticing around them as they walked.  Wind was a big presence on this afternoon, so I asked friends to think about where the wind was coming from and how was it happening.

Here are some of their ideas:

Gaby- During our walk, I asked you to think about where was the wind coming from and how did it happen.
Cecilia- It came from over there! (pointing west)
Gaby- Do you mean it's coming from that direction?
Cecilia- Yes.
Isaac- I think it comes from outer space.
Ashtyn- I think the wind is coming from the cars moving past us.
Chloe- I think the wind is made from trees cuz my mom said trees make wind.
Isabella- I think the wind comes from the sky.
Teagan- I think that the wind comes from the clouds cuz the wind blows steam up. The clouds are hot and what they do is when the steam comes down, down, down here, it gets colder.
Ryan- There's a big force field, like, around our whole entire solar system and if you go passed it, too much pressure will go on your helmet and you'll die... but that's not part of it.
Gaby- No, that's not what we're talking about...
Ryan- But the Earth spins around with the force field and the clouds go with it cuz that's a part of our solar system, and it's like, a force field around it, so it's like, trapping the clouds so it makes it go around with the clouds, and the clouds control the air so the air is going with the clouds.
Ashtyn- And the clouds in outer space are around our planet, and I think that's what Ryan was talking about a little bit.
Leon- Maybe a bunch of things make the wind at the same time and it makes the breeze.
Christian- I think because the wind is getting controlled by God.
Lorenzo- We (Lorenzo and Logan) think that God actually makes the wind.
Gaby- Some people feel that way.

Earlier this week, our school's director, Christine, saw some city workers cutting down a tree and asked if she could have the tree rounds.  And just like that, we had a new pile of materials for our Loose Parts Area!  The Hardworking Journalists tried rolling, pushing, and carrying these rounds to their new home and found it to be very hard to do.  When first grade came out to join us, they suggested pulling them across the yard.  And so, with help from many friends, the tree rounds made it all the way across the yard!

Thank you to Rakefet for being our Family Reader this week and sharing a story about an apple tree who wished to grow stars.  We shared some apples together and found what the tree had discovered: he had been growing stars all along.

This week with our Buddies, we revisited the old hike that we took, but this time, we went in the opposite direction, starting in the park, up the canyon, through the neighborhood, and back to school.

Here's a map the route we took.  That empty space between the beginning and end of the route is our school's campus!

 This week, I presented the class with an orange, lemon, lime, and cucumber and asked them to use their sense of sight, smell, sound, and touch to examine the fruit.

I then presented them with the same fruit, but in slices.


After sharing their reactions to the similarities and differences they noticed in the fruits, I asked them what they thought would happen if we added water to them if we placed them in a jar.  We discussed what fruit infused water was and made some predictions about what it might taste like.  Check out our Discussion Notes Binder to read their ideas.

They chilled in the refrigerator over night with ice and water.

We ended our week by documenting our predictions of what we thought happened to the water over night and why?  Is this fruit infused water considered juice?  Why or why not?  How will it taste?  Why?  Check out their journals to see their ideas!

We then moved into our taste tests.  First smelling the water, then noticing the color, and lastly, taking a taste.  Which water fruit infused water did your child enjoy the most?  Which did they enjoy the least? Why?

We later discussed some ideas as to what could have made some of the waters taste better.  Also, we are making plans to try some new ingredients.  If you are interested in making fruit infused water at home with your child, you can check out this >>>BLOG<<< for some quick tips.  Let us know which recipes you like the most and we'd love to test them out in class!

Have a great weekend!
Love, Gaby

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