Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Thank you for stopping by!

Hello friends and families!

It was so nice meeting you all at Open House on Friday!  I can already tell that this year is going to be such an exciting one, full of new discoveries!  I'm really looking forward to working with your children, thank you again for sharing them with me =].

I felt like Open House was a great success and I really appreciate all of you who have shown such a great interest in volunteering and contributing to our class in one form or another.  It was so much fun reading the information you shared on the Parent Surveys (So many of you are experts and passionate about so many different things!)  It's really lovely to see.

Which brings me to Tuesday's Beautification Day!  All you families that came and did what you could made such a great difference to our community!  And it was nice getting to chat with you and your children a bit more.

There is still more to do, so keep a look out for more invitations to come and help make our school look beautiful!  One piece in particular includes the front our the K-3 classrooms.  We would like for this space to be lush with foliage and flowers!  Some families have done the great job of working on planter boxes;  We wish to have two planter boxes in front of each class, so we still need 4 more to be built.  We need soil for these and lots of plants.  If you get inspired at the nursery, here are some plants we wish to have out there:

different types of Lavender
a Kumquat tree
Butterfly bush
Kangaroo paw
different types of sage
chicks and hens
a passion fruit vine
a snail vine

We would like to start with a red, purple, white color scheme, with silver or dark green foliage. Part of the planter will be for ambiance and to invite butterflies and birds, while the other part we'll use for our class planting throughout the year.  When planting we will be keeping in mind the hot sun on the blacktop!

Doesn't this sound so exciting!?  I can't wait to see it when it is all done and inviting...

Until then, thank you again for all that you have done so far and for all that you are willing to do!  This is going to be a great year.

Be sure to enjoy these last few days of summer!

Love, Gaby

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