Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Water Reclamation Plant

Hello Artistic Scientists' families!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped make today a big success and were able to join us on our field trip to the Water Reclamation Plant.  We were greeted by our tour guide who gave a very interesting PowerPoint presentation about their plant,  methods of collecting water, and the process of filtering out the bacteria to ensure safe, quality drinking water.  The students were very excited to ask the expert their pre-generated list of questions regarding who, what, when, where, why, and how they do their job so that we all have clean water to drink.

As we commenced our tour of the outside water filtration plant, we got to see first hand how the water travels from one tank to another, passing through different straw-filters as well as very fine porous material that traps the smallest bits of bacteria and bits of waste. 


Placards on the floor indicating the level of bacteria left in the water as it goes through different areas of the plant.

Where all the clean water is stored.

 The tour ended at a sink which dispensed clean water!

 And notice the placard on the floor no longer has any bacteria on it!

These three vials contained water from the plant, a sink, and water run off.  Which is which?

The friends were really entranced by the scale model of the facility and surrounding parking lots.  We were able to spot where we were at that very moment and in which lot we had parked.  

After thanking our tour guide we went a nearby park for lunch, journaling, and getting in some good play time!

Thanks for everything!
Love, Gaby

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