Friday, March 4, 2016

Family Council, Contractions, Celebrations and MORE!!!

Hello everyone!

Happy March!! Enjoy these memories with your child and come into the classroom to see more on our Information Table, our Daily Reflection Journal, our new Songs and Poems, and work around the room.

Outdoor Education Practice with Carolina

Friends reinforced what they remembered from Coach Curry's Track and Field training.

Open Choice Time

Language Area

Writing messages, stories, captions, titles, and MORE!!

Science Area

Observing the progress of our plants and documenting their findings.

Fine Motor Skills Area

Manipulating yarn to twist and bend into the shapes you desire for your yarn compositions.

Working on the new loom that has been donated to our class by Hope (Calvin).  Friends are helping each other weave through each band and follow the over/under pattern.

Math Area

Friends are doing Number Studies, and becoming familiar with the number shapes, decorating the large numbers with their own personal designs, incorporating different geometric shapes and patterns.

ST Math

Solving problems and practicing different math concepts.

4th Grade Buddies

This week, we played the game "Sharks and Minnows."  Ask your child about the agreements of the game.  How did they feel playing the game?  How did they or their friends work out any problems or accidents that they had?

Family Class Council

This week, we looked into our box of Questions, Comments, Concerns and Scenarios and found that a family was needing support with their child "respecting mom + dad + siblings."  When I asked the children what "respect" was, they came up with ideas such as "listening the first time, not talking back, and showing others that you care about their words."  

We acted this out by having a "mom" tell their "daughter" that it was time to clean up her toys and get ready for bed.  The daughter said, "No, I'm still playing.  I'm not going to clean up."  This made the mom "upset, mad and sad."

The actors tried the scenario again and the "daughter" practiced being respectful to her "mom."  When "mom" said it was time to clean up, the "daughter" said, "Okay, mom."  And started to put her toys away.  This made the "mom" feel happy, heard, and respected.  The "daughter" felt good that she "listened the first time and didn't need reminders."  The Scientist Friends agreed to try to be respectful to their family and their friends.

Garden Studies with Mary

Friends tended to their garden, looked for aphids, and released ladybugs! 


When we were studying our new Songs and Poems, a friend noticed that many words had apostrophes.  We reviewed what the apostrophe's job was and what a contraction was.  A contraction is when two words are squished together to say one word faster.  The apostrophe does the job of one or more of the letters in the second word.  He says, "I got this.  You can be quiet."  Below are some of the contractions that we found in the "Conflict Resolution Rap."

Robotics with Carolina

This week, the Scientist Friends made their own mazes out of chalk on the blackboard and challenged each other to figure out what codes they would need to input into their cars to help it get through the maze.  Ask your child about how they figured it out or if it was a challenge for them.  What about it was tricky?


This week, we journaled about signs that we knew and understood from around the city.  Come check out our journals to see what different friends shared.

Outdoor Education with Coach Curry

Coach Curry prepared an intense circuit for the students to cycle through.  Each cone had a different exercise for them to practice for 20 seconds before they would switch.  Partners would help each other read the exercise symbols and give each other tips and encouragement on how to push through them.  Which exercise was the most challenging?  Which have they gotten a lot better at?  

Family Reader

Thank you to Nikki for doing her first try at being our Family Reader!

Special Birthday Celebration

Thank you to Amanda for letting us share her daughter's special day with us.  We sang Happy Birthday with Cha Cha Cha's!

We sang and danced to Barry Maniloe's "When October Goes"

And we did the Hula Hoop Challenge!

We also shared a special treat of goodies to take home!

Love, Gaby

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