Sunday, November 8, 2015

Experts, Research, Vowels and MORE!!!


Enjoy reviewing these memories with your child at home to hear their insight about what has been going on in our classroom!

Interviewing Phil Blauer

This week, we had Phil Blauer, a FOX News journalist, come to share his expertise with us about how he goes about conducting interviews and sharing information to the public.  We watched a reel of clips from his career, learned about the multiple degrees and certificates he's earned, as well as what technological tools he has on his phone that help him stay up to date with any breaking news going on around San Diego.  The friends had many great questions for Phil and he was able to give us great tips on how to conduct a successful interview, including practicing eye contact, listening, and follow up questions.  See our Discussion Notes Binder for more details.

One of our friends brought in an alphabet book that we were able to read together outside, practicing recognizing, naming and making the sound for each letter.

ST Math

This program is a real treat for friends to enjoy at school.  It is, however, a tool that we will be using at school.  What fun learning games do you play at home?

Art with Niki

This week, friends continued their study or architecture as well as visualization practice.

Open Choice Time

Monarch Butterfly

Our friend Jackson brought in a beautiful specimen for our friends to study in class.

Black Swallowtail Butterfly Larva

Our friend Sebastien brought in an exciting amount of caterpillars that he found on his hike with his family.  Some friends studied them during Open Choice Time, drawing their observations and our class worked together to generate questions about the specimens.


In our afternoon, we took to the internet for find some answers.  Using Google search engine, we worked together to think of key words such as "San Diego" and "caterpillars" to find out what we were working with.  Our search led us to this >>>BLOG<<< with resources to help >>>IDENTIFY<<< caterpillars.  Here is what we found:

Friends worked in their journals and documented some of the answers that they found during our search.  Be sure to come and check them out!

Nature Studies with Mary

Friends worked in partnerships to complete a sort of scavenger hunt/study of our school's garden.

Change the Vowel

We have been studying vowels and their different sounds.  I shared a fun game with our friends which helps us identify the vowels in our names, their sounds, and reading the "nonsense word" our name becomes when we change the vowel.  Have fun playing this game at home! 

Decorations Calculations

Friends helped to take down, sort and sift through our Halloween decorations.  In partnerships, friends tallied up how many of each decoration we had and are in the process of finding the totals.

Cooking Friday

This week, we made Pumpkin Pie Bites.  You can check out the recipe >>>HERE<<< if you wish to make them together at home.  Enjoy!

After baking them, we had our taste test.  What did your child think?

Outdoor Education with Coach Curry and Coach Q

Friends practiced their gross motor skills, revisited Kareokes and played a relay race using skipping, jumping jacks, over hand throwing, running and tagging. 

Thank you to Genia for being our Family Reader this week.


Friends practiced dancing with scarves, moving it to the tempo of the music as well as letting their body move along to the music, as well.

Baby Sprinkle

Thank you to Rachel (Melayna's mom) for helping to organize this special celebration for Shelby (Sawyer's mom) and her new addition to their family.  Thank you everyone who was able to join us in the festivities.  Congratulations to the happy family!

Love, Gaby

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