Hello Kindergarten Families!
Enjoy the snapshots of our latest adventures together.
Home Excitement Shares
Learning is happening ALL the time, inside and outside of school. Friends have been excited to share what they have been working on outside of the classroom and explaining to us their process, their challenges, their discoveries, their questions, and their reasons behind their choices about the work that they are so excited to share with us. We are learning a lot from our friends and have been inspired in many different ways. The presenters are also practicing responding to clarifying questions to help the audience gain a better understanding of their work.
Silly Bird Drawings inspired by Art with Niki
Starting a crystal selling business after discovering that there are crystals inside of some rocks. This friend plans to use his profits to become rich.
Name writing practice and learning the names and sounds that go along with the letter shapes.
Making a game to find the letters in each friend's name. Also, writing out the steps on how to draw a butterfly.
Studying the names and lengths of different whales.
Practicing different reading and writing skills.
Explaining how a simple machine works.
Describing a collaborating art piece and explaining the steps taken to complete it.
Sharing knowledge about quarters (what it is made of, it's worth, how it compares to other coins, and his plans to put the money in the bank).
Reading aloud to friends a story she loves from home.
Drawing and cutting techniques
Journaling at home about personal interests
Studying different dinosaurs
Sharing theories about geodes (what are they, what are they for, and how does that happen?)
What does your child practice at home? What are they excited to learn about? How could they present their excitement to their friends? I hope we get to learn from them. Have fun exploring different concepts together!
ST Math
Nature Studies with Mary
Ask your child about the new creature they studied. What did they discover? What are they still wondering about?
Robotics with Rachael
Ask your child about the new challenge they faced with these exciting tools.
Outdoor Education with Coach Q.
Coach Curry and his wife recently had their new baby girl, so Coach Q helped the students practice their over hand throw, rolling techniques and aiming skills in a new game. What was the challenge for your child? How did they overcome it? What strategy will they try next time?
Interviewing and Author
Tina Adams-Carter came to visit our class and read a story that she has written. Friends took this opportunity to ask her questions about her process, inspiration, and goals for writing this book. Come look at our Discussion Notes Binder for more information!
A Special Goodbye
This week, our class found that our friend, Rachael, will be moving to help the kids in 6th and 7th grade. After interviewing her, I invited the friends to write special messages to her, incorporating some of her favorite things that she shared in her interview. Friends were excited to do this special secret work that would be revealed at the end of the day. They TRIED really hard to keep the secret =]
Rachael helped to generate a list of some of her favorite ideas that she would like to share with the class.
Hugs, Messages, or High Fives
Singing and Dancing to Puff the Magic Dragon
Heads Up, Seven Up
Special Gift Giving
Thank you!
Love, Gaby
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