Friday, May 1, 2015

Once Upon a Tiempo...

Happy Friday!

Here are a few photos from our Friday's field trip to Classic's4Kids philharmonic orchestra's performance of Once Upon a Tiempo.

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Student reaction and engagement was fun to watch!

Playing air instruments during the performance.

At the end of the day, we came back to school and I shared with the friends that many years ago, when I was in high school, I danced in a Bailet Folklorico group.  Below you will find images of myself with my now husband and my friend Phattha.  I also demonstrated the moves that I remember from the routine.  Can your child share with you what they saw?

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Love, Gaby


  1. Oh, I can't see the pics of you dancing, Gaby! I'll have to try on my home computer later. Looks like a fun field trip! Jennifer

  2. Classics 4 Kids is great. Thanks for that experience!

  3. It was Emma's first orchestral performance. She liked the background and the music! She said the female dancers had to have big dresses so they can sway the skirt parts while they danced The man in the sombrero was dancing very nicely. We couldn't see the pictures of you dancing either, but Emma tried to show us your dance performance. Thank you for the blog and sharing!
