Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Oma's Dairy Farm Field Trip


Get comfortable for a glimpse into our last week's field trip to a dairy farm.  It was a good one!


One of our hosts prepared us with safety agreements for our hay ride tour of the farm

Entering the cow's den.  Ask your child which of their fives senses was most activated in this part of the tour ;-]

This is a day and a half old heffer (female cow) and her mom.

Cows feed their calves from their udders so that they get the most nutrients from their mothers, but soon are bottle fed, then bucket fed, then trough fed.

The cows eat many different seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables.

This dairy farm is also a kind of "retirement home" for other animals like llamas (whose fur is used to make yarn!) and ponies.  

Getting ready to enter the milking station

Check out how cows are milked using special suction devices and the gallons that they can fill!

Here is the cow's showering station

Milk is stored in different containers outside.

These young calves are in "kindergarten" now that they do not drink from their mother's udders and eat from a shared trough.  They also use a drinking fountain, which they push with their nose to get a drink.

We enjoyed some dairy ice cream while listening to more information about how much and what cows eat.

This much hay per day

This much water per day

Check out the fun we all had on the playground!

Check out the different animals on the farm for viewing.

Here is another playground that we thought was so funny because we were TOO big for the equipment!

Sliding down the Cotton Seed hill.  Taking risks and compromising with friends!

Working our way through a hay bale maze

On to the Petting Zoo

Check out this interesting washing station

Time to milk some cows!

Cows sleep on water beds!?!

Thanks for all the memories!

Love, Gaby


  1. This was such an educational and FUN trip! Thanks for all of the pictures so we could relive it again :)

  2. Apparently, five out of seven moms like to give bunny ears!

  3. What a wonderful idea for a trip! Emma came home talking the cotton seed hill, but looking at the pictures, she shared so much of what was learned. Everyone clearly had a great time. She said thanks to Leah for giving her a push on the go-kart, but we also wanted to say thank you to everyone involved in the planning and coordinating of the trip!
