Thursday, October 18, 2012

Painting, Different Types of Lines, Halloween, and More!

(Sorry for the late post!  I thought I had pushed publish, but it actually stayed as a draft!)

Happy Friday, all!

This past week, the class has been working with tempera in our painting area.  It has been neat see the children transferring their knowledge from last weeks' exploration with food color mixing to their work with paint.  The students focus was to test different mixing recipes as well as familiarizing themselves with the different tools and caring for the materials.

Every Monday, the students have Exploration Classes and go to Art with Monique and P.E. with Brian.  Monique had worked with the friends on identifying different kinds of lines that artists can use in their work.  I took this introduction to different types of lines and asked the students to continue exploring this concept with yarn.  During Open Choice Time, the children had the opportunity to explore how malleable yarn can be and discover what other types of lines they could find...

This morning, the students got to make some new connections with our 8th Grade Buddies from Tony's class.  Before meeting with them, the Kindergartners practiced introducing themselves to their partner and saying a warm greeting.  They also made some plans for what they could do if they were feeling nervous.  Some suggestions were holding a friends' hand or just letting your 8th Grade Buddy know how you are feeling.  Soon after this, we walked over to Tony's classroom and started our Meet and Greet Circle, where the Kindergartners and 8th Graders sat in a circle, facing each other.  After asking and answering a few questions to help the friends get to know each other better, the 8th graders shifted over to the next friend so they could make more connections.

Friends have really been thinking about the upcoming holiday, so we brainstormed a list of ideas we could do for Halloween.  Among one of the many exciting possibilites was going Trick or Treating right in our own classroom by building houses around our room and creating our own neighborhood!  
As we spent more time discussing what types of treats we could enjoy at our party, we wrote up a web of idea.  It seems we will be having different areas in our class dedicated to waffle making, fruit salad making, and veggie/tuna salad making!  Sounds like we will definitely be working up an appetite after preparing our dishes!

As a class, we looked at a few Birds Eye View pictures of the neighborhood our school is located in.

I took some pictures of our classroom and we worked together to place each one in it's corresponding location.  Once we put the pieces of our classroom map together, we created another brainstorm of which features are found in a neighborhood and which we will incorporate into our classroom transformation.
Stay tuned as this project develops!

Lastly, please follow this >>>LINK<<< to sign up for Student Led Conferences, which will be held on October 23-25th.  These days will be half days for the whole school, with dismissal being at 12:00pm.

Thanks for stopping by!
Love, Gaby

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