Friday, October 19, 2012

Documenting Our Findings and Fun at the Park

Happy Friday!

Thank you to everyone who has wrestled with the >>>Student Led Conference Sheet<<< online.  Ah, technology... I've got a love-hate relationship with it sometimes =]

In brighter news, the Kindergartners have been very busy testing new theories and documenting their data as we applied the scientific process to our second color mixing experiment.  This time, we used yellow and red food coloring to test what various shades of yellow, red, and orange we could find.

As the friends created their unique mixtures, they used a color mixing tracking sheet to document how many pipettes of each color they used, by using tally marks.

Prior to the start of our testing, we wrote up the steps to the scientific process on our white board.  When we were done, we came back together to check our work and write down our results and conclusion.  It turns out our hypothesis was correct:  Red, Yellow, and Clear mixed together did make orange.  Yet, as you can see, the students found a wide array of shades of orange!

Throughout the week, some friends have tried using our new Color Recipe charts to track how many drops of tempera paint they used in their testing to get certain shades of color, again using tally marks.

However, friends were having a hard time keeping their work organized using the tally marks.  We brought this dilemma to Revisiting Meeting and brainstormed some ideas to help us better understand how to use tally marks and the information they provide.

We ended our week by reconnecting with our 8th Grade Buddies!  Today we met at the nearby park to embark on a friendly game of Duck Duck Goose.  This was another fun way to break the ice and get to know our new friends better.  It was lovely to see the students being so sociable and open to stepping out of their comfort zone, slowly but surely.

I hope you're all having a great weekend!
Love, Gaby

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