Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hello Loving Kinder Gardeners!

It has been so long since I have posted!  I'd like to start with saying Happy 2012!  I hope you all had a lovely winter break!  I had such a nice time catching up with my nephews Victor Hugo (6) and Ruben (5) and my young niece, Samantha (1).  Here they are Christmas Day, sporting the outfits I gave them as gifts.

Next I would like to say thank you to all the families that helped us prepare for our Gift Making Party!  All the snowflake cutting, sign hanging, and streamer hanging really paid off!  The expressions on their faces when they walked in was priceless!  I'm so sad I didn't think to take a picture of the room once we finished =[.

Also, thank you to all of the families who brought treats for us to enjoy and stayed with us to help us with our activities!  We couldn't have done it without you!  We really appreciate your presence!

This new year has started off with a bang!  Did you know that your child is AMAZING??  I have been blown away these past few days by how much everyone has grown up over the break!  We came back to school and everyone still remembered how to be a school person (and were even doing it better than before)!   Our Meeting times have felt really good, we've been speaking to each other in a friendly way, we're taking care of our classroom, and our discussions have been filled with great ideas!

Our first day back, we had a ReConnect type of day, where we revisited the basics to being back at school.  Our new songs and poems triggered quite a discussion!  The Kookaburra Song, in particular, got us thinking about what a Kookaburra is, as well as a gum tree.  We had lots of theories and friends were great at hearing other friends' opinions.  And it being such a beautiful day, we went on a walk to the nearby park.  There, we sat under a tree and discussed whether or not it was a gum tree....

...a pine tree...
 ...a honey tree, or a tree with a bee hive...
  ...or could it have been a shoe tree...?  =]

I'm sad I didn't record that discussion!  We listened to different theories friends had about what the sticky yellow stuff on the tree was, and how did those shoes get up into the branches of that tree?  So many possibilities!

Our time outside also inspired us to think a little bit more about bees!  They were hovering all around us and we followed them to some flowers to try to get a closer look at how they gather pollen.  Is it with their tongue or do they carry it on their legs?

 We came back to class and wrote out a chart of some of the questions that we had about bees.

Can you see why I get so excited to come to work everyday?  Thank you so much for sharing them with me!

And big welcome to our two newest friends Pearl and Demetrius!  The Loving Kinder Gardeners have really been modeling for them what it's like to be a part of their community and they are catching on so fast thanks to all their help!  Keep it up!

Love, Gaby

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