Thursday, December 1, 2011

Field trip, Explorations, Family Night, and More!


It has been so long since I have posted a blog, I feel awful!  But I am excited to share with you what we have been working on!

I hope you all had a wonderful break!  Before our week off, we had a chance to talk about our upcoming field trip to the >>>City Farmers Nursery<<<, which is going to be December 8, 2011.  We will be leaving school promptly at 9:30a.m. and getting to the nursery by 10:00a.m.  Please be sure your child is wearing comfortable walking shoes, has an extra layer of clothes that they can take off if they need it, has a comfortable backpack, and hearty lunch with snacks for our trip.  We still need some drivers, and chaperones would be great too!!  Here are some of the things that we have been thinking about...


We even got a chance to get into our schools garden and clear out some weeds!  We worked hard, side by side with the 8th graders and cleared out quite a bit of foliage!



We also had our last Explorations Classes and had an Exhibition of our work!  We practiced being a great audience and got to watch performances from Movement and Rhythm/Percussion Classes, and we saw the videos from the Stop Motion Animation Classes!  Next week we will start our NEW Explorations Classes.  We will have them every Monday morning from 9:30-10:30a.m. until March 12th.  We will be participating in Photography and Movement.

In our short time back at school we have been really busy! Much of our time has been spent reading!  We've moved on from finding words we recognize in our Morning Message, to reading a sentence from our Morning Message.  Friends have been eagerly taking on this challenge!  Since we do already recognize so many words, we are working together to create a "Words Kindergarteners Know" Binder.  It will be like our own hand made dictionary!  Some of us have also been reading in small groups during Rest and Read time.  Friends have been doing lots of teamwork and helping each other sound out words.  It is really exciting to see!

We have also been planning our next celebration!  We brainstormed a list of possible parties that we could have soon, and then we agreed that we would celebrate the holidays with a Winter themed Gift/Decoration Making Party! We have planned so far what types of gifts we could make, what colors we will use to decorate our class, and what our decorations will be!  We still have to work out the kinks, but stay tuned for more news!

And lastly, we will be having Family Night next Wednesday, December 7, 2011 from 4-6p.m.  It will be a potluck style event for the whole school (in an effort to create as little waste as possible, please bring your own dishes and utensils from home!), and we will have on exhibit the work from Explorations, as well as have a school wide Scavenger Hunt!  I hope you and your family can make it to this community building event!  It should be fun! 
Have a great night!
Love, Gaby

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