Sunday, November 9, 2014

November Songs and Poems

Happy November!

Enjoy learning these songs and poems at home with your child.  As you can see, we have started finding different teams in words.  Which ones do you notice?  How many can you find in our last two?

(This one is to the tune of the song, BINGO)

(this is an excerpt, not the whole song)

Love, Gaby


  1. We were looking forward to the new songs and poems for the month. Emma really enjoys the songs and showing us the accompanying hand movements. Plus we never knew that she would enjoy the popular songs we heard from our youth!

    1. It's fun when we listen to the song and come up with movements as we go along, like with "My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow!" The kids made those us to help them remember what to say next.
