Sunday, October 12, 2014

Symmetry, SLC's, Syrup and MORE!

Happy Weekend!

Enjoy your walk down memory lane with your child, giving them a chance to fill you in on more details about our week!

During Open Choice Time, friends have been practicing using symmetry and balance in their creations and patterns.  Come check out our Symmetry Wall for more beautiful and inspiring creations.

This week, we practiced coming up with different nouns.  Check out our list of ideas friends brainstormed with Clara, below!

To help our friends prepare for Student Led Conferences, we held our first Gallery Walk.  Stay tuned for a Reflection Page regarding this special moment.

As a class, we have also been creating our own goals to discuss during their Student Led Conference.  This week, we journaled about our Academic Goals.

Check out what friends worked on during Lego Physics!

We met again with our 7th Grade Buddies.  This time, we had a more intimate time with them, inviting them to read some of our favorite books from our library together.  Check out our Discussion Notes Binder to read what the Kindergartners had to say about this experience.

As the weather continues to cool down, I asked the class to think about anything that they know happens this time of year that they would like to honor as a class.  They were very excited about the Autumn season and are planning to use seasonal fruits such as pumpkins and apples to make pies for all of us to enjoy together!  Stay tuned for more information about how you can help with this!  Another seasonal item that peaked friends interest was maple syrup... but there was some questions about how we would get or make maple syrup.  Friends took to their journals to document their theories about how maple syrup is taken out of trees!

Thank you to all the families who have supported their children in bringing in their Homework Shares.  We are learning so much from each other!  This week we got to hear presentations about what steps it takes to do laundry, trial and error with mixing colored water, observe the different types of eggs that come from different types of chickens, analyze a bar graph showing the measurements of different items around the house, learning about the functions of the human heart, discussing different animals from Africa, how lego blocks can make different creations, facts about the USA and California, comparing the speed of an animal to a car, research questions about ants and their abilities to do things that humans cannot, how to use a fishing rod, the life cycle of a butterfly, observational drawings of plant life in Orlando, FL,  equation and sight word writing, cause and effects of the mechanics of a see saw, memorizing how to spell a friends' name, and dictating a song or poem that you know by heart!  Goodness, that's a mouthful!  Keep it coming, guys!

Have a great week and thank you for stopping by!
Love, Gaby


  1. Tomás says he loves free play at lego physics :)

    1. Yes, he often tells me very excitedly about what he built in class!

  2. Love reading these blogs every week. Marlee is getting better at being able to share with me daily what she did...but this sure is helpful ;)

  3. Gavin loves Lego physics and enjoys spending time with his 7th grade buddy. I enjoy watching Gavin interact with his friends. :-)

    1. Yes, I was surprised to see how open he was to having two buddies! His smile when he is with them is great to see!

  4. Jackson says, "I love you, Gaby. I don't know what my favorite thing was in the class." Thanks for the great blog! Jennifer

    1. Hi Jackson, I love you too! It's hard for me to pick one favorite thing sometimes, too. There is so much about our week together that I enjoy, I can't pick just one!

  5. That's exciting that the kids get the opportunity to sit in committees. Emma also love the change the vowel game. That's a great idea. Thanks!
