As we prepared to visit >>>Sunshine Care<<< we visited their website to do some research on where we would be going. At the site we saw many images of children working in a garden with older people. We watched a video on YouTube to learn about their Intergenerational Gardening Program that they do with younger friends. This garden often makes donations to our school so that we may grow a variety of vegetable in rich soil!
This got us talking about what a generation meant, and what intergenerational meant. I drew a diagram to help illustrate the concept.
On the day of our trip, we were really excited to meet the people we would be working with and learning about how they tend to their garden, the different things that they grow, and the tools that they use. Friends were paired up with an expert from a different generation and listened to their information.
At the end of the garden tour, we walked up to Sunshine Care's Greenhouse, where we got to see and taste some of their organically grown, hybrid fruits and vegetables!
Thank you to our hosts at Sunshine Care Garden for a lovely experience!
And a BIG thank you to all of our family volunteers!
Come check out their journals to see what they noticed was different from their garden compared to our school garden!
Love, Gaby
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