Saturday, November 24, 2012

What is a Holiday?

Hi there!

This short week has been a very thoughtful one for us here in Kindergarten.  With more holidays coming right around the corner, the students have started having some discussions around this topic...

What is a holiday?

What does Thanksgiving mean to you?

Jack- Eat a lot of food.
Jake- A celebration.
Nyala- It's about love.
Andrew- A celebration
Fiona- We eat a lot of food, but some people do not eat turkey because they are vegetarians.
Lincoln- It's about being with the people you love.
Lyla- You celebrate about people who are dead that you love.

What are you thankful for?

Most friends were feeling that the holidays are a special time for people to be with their families and to remember?  What does Thanksgiving mean to you and your family?

Another topic that many friends have been thinking about involves the concept of God and why we do not refer to this concept in our school discussions.  I offered the explanation that many different people have different feelings and beliefs about the concept of God.  In order to respect these different beliefs, we will be keeping our discussions neutral while here at school, but can discuss our beliefs with our families at home.

What are your family beliefs?

How do you honor your practices at home?

Why did your family choose a public school versus a parochial school?

Thank  you for sharing your thoughtful children with me!  Enjoy your break!
Love, Gaby

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