Monday, May 14, 2012

What a Special Week!

Hello families!

Last week was so special for more reasons than one!  I want to say thank you so much for all of the lovely surprises that helped make me feel so loved!  The tasty treats, beautiful flowers, lovely cards, and all the other special gifts were so wonderful!  The school was buzzing with good vibes thanks to the amazing spread of treats for all the staff to enjoy in the work room too!  Everything you all do for us is very much appreciated!

Last week felt different for us because of the Half Days.  This made our morning work time into an opportunity to test some neat new tools in our class.  We did water color for the first time and it was a big hit!  The students had a a chance to test different brushes, resist, a scratcher, and found some interesting results:

You can read the numbers on the brush to tell if it is a big brush or a small brush (10 round or a 2 flat).
Bigger brushes make bigger lines.
You can still make skinny lines with big brushes if you just use the tip of the brush.
Flat brushes make straight lines.
Resist can help make cool designs.
The scratcher makes the paint look like it's bleeding.
If you paint slowly, your paint doesn't run out as fast. 

We have also been bringing in quite a few items from home to continue our research on echoes.  We have been trying really hard to find something that makes an >>>echo<<< (a sound that repeats itself) but have not been able to.  We HAVE found a few things that amplify (makes sounds louder) our voice and makes a >>> reverberation<<< (a long, lingering sound).

We took a moment to listen to a sound clip of an echo and of a reverberation and followed it by watching an >>>animation<<< about them.  Friends were asked to answer the following question in their journal:  What is the difference between an echo and a reverberation?

And lastly, I hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day weekend!  While at school, friends worked very hard on a special gift for families in honor of Mother's Day.  Their wish was to write their own song and sing it to you!  It was something that friends wanted to keep a secret so that everyone would be pleasantly surprised!  We had to put our work away quickly sometimes when families came into our classroom for early pick ups!  We even worked on writing invitations to this special performance, which went home last Friday!  If you missed it, don't worry, here is the recording!

I can't thank you enough for sharing these amazing beings with me!  Have a great evening!

Love, Gaby

1 comment:

  1. Hi Keighley, I hope you have a great end of the year. I know you have really enjoyed your school. I hope next year I can visit more often in your class. Love grandma.
