Time flies when you're having fun!
Here's a "quick" recap of some of the things we have been wondering about, practicing, and getting good at!
Things We Are Getting Good At:
We've been at school for 84 days! We check our work every day now during Calendar and Journal time. There's a new tool in our class that challenges us to group days into ones, ten, and hundred bundles. We are really excited to see how close we are to getting to the next ten bundle!
If your child is interested, here is some homework that they were asked to think about: How many more days until we get to our 100th day? Also, what other numbers can you count by to get to 100? How will you check your work?
On another note, we are REALLY getting good at recognizing words we know in our Morning Message! Just this past week, every friend helped find at least one word in the message, and next thing you know, we had recognized EVERY word! This has happened twice already, and the past time, students were able to even READ the message without any help from a teacher! We were all so proud of ourselves! That was hard work!
Things We Are Practicing:
Giving and receiving helpful feedback for each others work is something we are still practicing. However, it is really exciting when we get to see how our work changes after listening to some suggestions! Take a look at some of these examples of friends hearing each other. Can you tell what changes were made? What other suggestions could help make our work more clear?
In other news, there is a new challenge in our class that is stirring up a lot of excitement! The 3-Clues Mystery Box has found it's way into our room and it is something that lots of us can't wait to try out! Feel free to ask your child all about this new concept!
Things We Are Wondering About:
As you know, we have a lot of ideas sprouting up in our classroom! One inquiry we have been researching about is the Kookaburra! We have been looking through a handful of resources to try to learn more about the Kookaburra, one being the Encyclopedia, and the other being the World Wide Web! We are learning to use tools, such as the Index, Glossary, and Bold Print to help us find the specific information we are looking for in the reference books we have in our classroom.
We also used the Internet to help learn more about the Kookaburra. We found lots of helpful information about it's specific features, habitat, diet, and of course, it's call! We even watched a video of the Kookaburra catching it's prey! >>>CHECK IT OUT!<<<
Our other topic of interest involves the beautification of the outside of our classroom. A big thank you to all the families who have helped us by bringing in bags of soil for our planter box! We have started the discussion of what tools we will be needing to maintain the upkeep of our garden, what measures we will need to take to ensure that curious or hungry critters respect our space, and also which types of visitors we DO wish to have come to our garden. We made a brainstorm list about which types of visitors are likely to come (ladybugs, butterflies, hummingbirds, etc), but now, we must find which plants or flowers will be most inviting for them...
Thank you for checking out the blog! Stay tuned for information about our upcoming field trips!
Love, Gaby