Wednesday, August 10, 2011

School Starts Soon!

Hello families!

Welcome and thank you for checking-in to Our Kindergarten Community blog.

I am so excited for this upcoming year and I cannot wait to meet you all!  This is going to be such a great adventure being at our new school site; I've been working on setting up our classroom and have been having so much fun! It will be great to see your children make it their own.  

As the school year creeps closer, it can be pretty exciting and a little scary.  Please be sure to take some time to talk with your student about the feelings they might be having about coming into this new environment, meeting new people, saying "good-bye" in the mornings, etc.  Our hope is that each student feels safe and welcomed, as well and confident and encouraged to take on this new adventure! 

Until we meet, enjoy the rest of your summer, I hope it has been a pleasant one!  I cannot emphasize enough the amount of excitement I am feeling about starting our school year together! Yay!

Love, Gaby

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