Sunday, February 28, 2016

Signs, Watercolors, Sea Dragons and MORE!!!

Hello everyone!

Here are some pictures to go over together and relive some fun memories from this week.

Interviewing an Expert

This week, we had the pleasure of interviewing Laskshimishri Vliayakumar (Laks, for short), an Associate Civil Engineer from the City of San Diego's Transportation Engineering Operations Division.  After going over what the Scientist Friends already knew about signs, they interviewed Laks about the burning questions they still had about how to use signs to communicate with others.  You can see our Discussion Notes Binder for more information.  We plan to use what we learned from her to create our own sign for the playground.  

Learning from an Expert

This week, we also had three experts come to our class from the San Diego Watercolor Society to treat us to a watercolor lesson using negative and positive space, contrasting colors, as well as the use of the foreground, background, and horizon line of your painting.  Ever heard of a "thirsty brush"??  We used this technique to make beautiful clouds in our skies, along with pulling the paint with tissue paper.  We used oil pastel crayons and liquid water color.  Be sure to come into our class to see all of our finished art pieces.  A big thank you to Pat, Mary Sue and Portia for all of their hard work!  Check out their >>>WEBSITE<<< for more information about their educational efforts.

Garden Studies with Mary

Friends planted different seeds this week and learned about how to care for them.  They will be living in our classroom so that we may monitor their growth.  Ask your child which types of seeds they helped to plant!

Outdoor Education with Coach Curry

The Scientist Friends continued their Track and Field exploration.  This week, they participated in a baton race and sportsmanship.  Friends practiced many of the skills that they have been learning weekly, including coiling up, using a two point stance, pumping their arms, breathing techniques, following the trail, using the friends in front of them (or behind them!) as motivation to move faster and cheering their classmates on.  It's quite inspiring to witness. 

Thank you to Lynn and Roberto for being our Family Readers this week!

A Special Birthday Celebration

Thank you to Tina and AC for joining us to celebrate our dear friend's 6th Birthday!  We sang Happy Birthday, danced to Puff the Magic Dragon, played Save the Man (from a sea dragon!) and enjoyed a special treat!

Thank you all for a great week.  I'm glad I am feeling better and able to share these special moments with you all.

Love, Gaby