Friday, March 20, 2015

Park Activities, Songs for Writing, Gardening and MORE!!

Happy Friday,

Here are the snapshots from this week.  Enjoy reflecting on them with your child and discussing what they enjoyed the most.

Drama with Natasha

Frisbee, Soccer, and Bubble Activity with 6th Grade Friends 

New Songs and Dances about How to From Letters with Allyson 

Thank you to Lahua (Garrett's mom) for being our Family Reader!

Collaborative Drawings with our 7th Grade Buddies and Gallery Walk

I Statements

Gardening with Beth 

What Animals are in the Garden???

Exhibition Night is next week!  We wrapped up recording our History Presentations today and friends did a great job of sharing what they learned about people from the past.  Thank you to Betsy for being a secret photographer and catching this candid shot of us in action!


Come to check out other work in progress in our class:

Number Talks
Language Activities: Homophones
Journal Entry: How do you make sure you have good dreams?
Learning Extension Documentation
Reading Baskets

Have a great weekend!
Love, Gaby