Hello again!
There's so much to report on!
Lately in our Kindergarten Community, we have been thinking a lot about Language. I'm sure many of you have had your child point out to you many Teams in Words that they know (-oo, -ee, -ing, -er, -th, etc)! This topic has been on our mind all year and we can't help but see these teams everywhere! We are slowly but surely documenting our knowledge in different parts of our classroom all the time! We've even talked about making lists for the teams that DON'T do their jobs and make a different sound! There is so much to write, some of think we might even have to put some of our documentation lists up on the ceiling! Here's a small glimpse of some of the teams we know. Very exciting stuff!

Other ways that we have been brainstorming about Language include our Parts of Speech Wall. We discussed parts of speech and came up with our own definitions for nouns, verbs, and adjectives that we all agreed on. After we felt we had a good grasp on what each part of speech meant, friends took it upon themselves to write out their own examples and group them accordingly! Many of us checked our work and by looking at the definitions and asking a friend for help. It was amazing to watch the wheels in their brain turn as they worked diligently!
After our first try, we noticed we wrote mostly nouns, so after a few days of processing some more, we gave it another go! However, our work often goes through the editing process, so this wall might look different again in a few more days!
We also practice Language through fun games! "Secret Sounds" and "Help the Teacher" are two of our favorites. And one of our newer games, "the Dictionary Game" helps us come up with clarifying questions to help better understand something, or to help others better understand what we are all trying to figure out. It's a pretty tricky game but we are getting the hang of it! Be sure to ask your child to teach you how to play and enjoy this engaging activity at home!
And of course, we are still sharing words that we recognize! This has been a big part of Rest and Reading Time! Friends will share with their partner a word that they recognize in their book, and may even read a word, or even a sentence, to all of us when we come back together during Meeting time. It's really beautiful to see.
Please take some time to share some or all of these activities with your child at home! Lots of us are still practicing the skills of recognizing words, sounds in teams and letters, and writing, so encouraging friends to practice with these familiar fun games may be a great way to support them outside of the classroom. It will be great to hear what stories friends come to school with about their experiences.
Enjoy the learning!
Love, Gaby